Reporter: The investors in Sanzhen bear the debt and have no transfer. If they cannot transfer it out, Chinese football will not be saved.

Live broadcast on August 28 news after investors from Wuhan Sanzhen club confirmed that they would stop investing funds from September 1, reporter Zhao Yu analyzed the situation of the next Sanzhen club in the social media.

Starting from September 1, 2023, investors will stop investing in the club of Sanzhen, bear the previous liabilities, and agree to let the club transfer without compensation, in addition, the three-town club base invested and built by it will continue to be provided to the three-town club for free.

In this regard, Zhao Yu wrote in the social media: “I read the announcement of Wuhan Sanzhen club. The investment group promises to bear all liabilities, not charge transfer fees, and use the base free of charge. If this is not transferred, then Chinese football is really hopeless. I think it should not be so difficult.”


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