Cut melons and vegetables! Miami history shooter list: Macy’s 9 games 11 goals third, 7 goals from the second

Live Bar, August 27 news Macy scored the first goal of the US league and Miami won. At present, Macy is stable in the third place in the Miami shooter list.

Miami International history list

1. Higuain, 70 games and 29 balls

2. Campana, 55 games and 18 goals

3. Macy, 9 games and 11 goals

4. Martínez, 32 games with 10 goals

5. Taylor, 69 games and 9 goals

6. Morgan, 58 games and 7 goals

7. R-Pisaro, 62 games and 7 goals

8. Lasit, 41 games and 6 goals

9. Xie Yi, 47 games and 6 goals

10. Robinson, 53 games and 6 goals

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