Post: finger referee + improper words to the four officials after the red card, fan Dick may be given additional punishment

Live Bar, August 28 -in the third round of the Premier League, ten people reversed Newcastle 2-1 away from Liverpool. In the 27th minute of the game, Van Dick took over Isaac and was sent off by the referee with a red card.

When Klopp was interviewed by Sky Sports after the game, he thought that Van Dick would be banned for three games, and BBC said that the ban was one.

Post reporter Lewis Steele wrote that after being shown a red card, van Dick pointed at the face of referee John Brooks and used the word “f** king joke. At the end of the day, he and the fourth official Craig Bausson “got tough words”.

Mike Dean, a former Premier League referee, told the Post: Van Dyke made a verbal attack on Craig Bausson, the fourth official, which was out of line.

The Post said that van Dick may cause more trouble because of these actions, which depends on the content of the referee’s report. According to the guidelines of the Football Association, players may be subject to additional punishment for “misconduct” such as the use of insulting words. In the past, many players were suspended for the referee’s behavior after the red card, and the FA’s manual stipulated that “confrontational” behavior would be punished.

Lewis Steele added that whether the red card was too strict had nothing to do with the investigation of the Football Association. In Gabriel, 2015, three banned games were canceled due to the overthrow of the red card Paulista, however, the match was still banned because of the referee’s behavior and the initial refusal to leave.

Fan Dick dyed red ↓

Van Dick and the fourth official when he went off ↓

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